segunda-feira, 14 de junho de 2010

HEY YOU! YOU HAVE A NEW TEXT! yeah, that's right, just like mobiles here, you are always connect and know everything from anywhere you are. By this time I should say all my problmes while I try to convince myself that life is GREAT! That's such a hard thing to do, while you are living kind of alone, trying to get your time, a time from your boyfriend that you don't really know if you like, that's me my question "Do I like him or his best mate, that is acctualy my ex?" It's soo confusing.. And doesnt help when you discovered at the same time that two of your closest friends have hooked up with him! With both of him! And of course there is also more, there is always more, but i can tell the rest anytime but not now... I'm starving and I will have burgers for diner tonight!! Love burgers - I cant stay far from Mc Donalds - but I'm trying to lose weight, something that used to be really easy for me but now it became a hard thing to do... I'm thinking about this weekend, my friend, my richest friend, who was able to do ANYTHING is not allowed to go out anymore.. Well, she is, but she have to be home before be really night time, so it means no life and I kind of feel bad with my own self because I dont feel sorry for her, I really DO think she deserved it all. After all the bad things she have done, that's not so this terrible. Well